Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Blogger SEO Tips and Tricks (Golden Tips)

Tips To Improve SEO In Blogger

Seo Tips!! We are here again, this is a battling issue for blog owners especially the newbies, we do lots of search on Google, Bing, Yahoo and more on tips on how to improve Search search ranks(SEO) and get tips like content writing, regular updating, promotions on social media, guest posting and more.. they are all great tips which should not be ignored at all.

SEO Tips And Tricks For Blogger
Right here am going to give you some other categories to improve blog SEO,

Before we get to that, lets give some chance to those new with SEO to fully understand and follow the steps on how to improve SEO in blogger(SKIP TO  STEPS IF YOU AIN'T NEW IN THIS).
First of all, a warm welcome, as you might have noticed, we are all about SEO and how to improve them, before further writing, it's  wise to know what it really means.

You might have gone through series of steps on how to build a blog and came across the word 'SEO', left you wondering, what does it mean?.
In the simplest explanation, SEO Stands for Search Engine Optimization, it a process of getting free natural, editorial,organic and natural Traffic(blog visits) by showing up in search results in search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo and more...

That tiny explanation should put you along, lets get to the steps to improve SEO in blogger

Steps To Improve SEO In Blogger (Golden Steps)


Yeah, I know the thoughts going through you mind right now, 'i seen that before, how is this golden?'.

Am not here to tell the same stories you read every time about backlinks, stories like its so important to have links redirected to your blog posts, which are damn important, also one of the most effective method to improve SEO blah blah, am sure you might have read that somewhere.

 Am here to widen that aspect. I have read complains online about backlinks, lots of people claiming they have lots of backlinks but still no improvement in SEO.
The big question is. What is the quality of those backlinks to your post??

None quality backlinks won't get you that far in google ranking, instead, might have negative effect on your blog. so getting not just backlinks but with quality is my golden tip for this one.

Tip: Read more on quality backlinks.

This is another SEO brutal measure, keywords are extremely important in blogs especially in content writing, you might have read about adding keyword to different place in your blogs, am going to focus on Keywords for content, I will give you a quick run through of how you can use keywords in contents but before that, It will be Orthodox you keep this in mind.

I have read in many places where we are asked to use keywords in contents but forget to mention the right amount and where to actually use it, because of that reader tend to flood their contents with keywords and that so not healthy for blogs, you are require to add only 3% of keywords in our content and place them in the right places not just anywhere.

Now the quick run down on how and where to use/put keywords in content

  • Place At Starting and Ending Paragraph of content
  • Image name( Alt Tag And Title Tag) Blogger users
  • In post tittles (important)
  • Permalinks of posts also important
  • Post comment and lastly
  • Post Labels.

Meta Tags
This another important SEO rank method, use of meta tag tells bots what your site is all about means they are snippets of text describing the pages of contents.

There are lots of meta tags you can add to your blog, but not all are really important, I will give you the four most important meta tag to add in your blog

  • Meta keyword
  • Title Tag
  • Meta Description
  • Meta robot: This tells the search engine crawlers what to do with the page.

Note that all this are really effective if they are manually place/added in your blog template.

Apply this Golden SEO Tips and see you blog excel..


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